Training a rabbit

Litter training- Rabbits can be litter trained.

Use a large litter box, which can easily fit your rabbit. If the litter box is too small, they won’t use it. Also purchase some rabbit safe litter. Don’t use pine or cedar litter since these are toxic to rabbit. Also avoid clay based cat litters or clumping litters. You need to replace the litter daily, so make sure you have a litter scoop and some disinfecting spray that is safe for rabbits. The litter tray must be disinfected every week.

Place some of your rabbit’s pellets into the litter box. This will give them an idea that the litter box is where their poop is supposed to go. Never get angry at your rabbit if they don’t use it, instead, if they do use it, give them a treat.

Teaching your rabbit to come when called:

  1. Sit on the floor near your rabbit
  2. Hold out your rabbits favorite treat out and say “come (rabbits name)” repeat the command as they approach you
  3. Move a little further away and keep trying
  4. Repeat this often, training often will help your rabbit learn, start moving a little further away too.
  5. Eventually, replace the treat with just petting

Tips for training:

  1. Always use treats to reward them for doing it
  2. Never get mad at your rabbit, they will learn better through reward!
  3. Be patient, rabbits take time to learn.