Guinea pig Bonding

When you bring your guinea pigs home, you may be tempted to start hugging or playing with them immediately. However, moving into a new home with new people they don’t know can be a stressful experience for them, especially since they are prey animals.

The first thing you need to do is get your guinea pigs used to your presence. Sit down next to their cage and talk softly to them, This will help them get used to you. Don’t try to get them to stop hiding or come out, just talk to them, so they realize your presence is not a threat. Once you have done that, try using food. put some fresh veggies outside their hiding place to try to lure them out and sit by the cage and wait. Don’t rush them, be patient and wait. Once they are willing to take food while you are there, try putting your hand near the food, and eventually try laying your hand flat on the base of the cage with food in your palm to see if they are willing to take it. Once they are comfortable eating from your hand, it’s time to try petting them. While they are eating, extend your hand over and stroke them. Try not to let your hand loom over them, as they are prey animals, Looming over them makes them think of your hand as a hawk coming to swoop them up. Once you are comfortable stroking them, try taking them out of the cage. Don’t pick them up right away, scoop them up in their hidey so they feel safe. Put the hidey in your lap and try offering them food. Eventually, you can try holding them without the hidey. Note that guinea pigs almost always hate to be picked up, and will always try to run away, though they do enjoy being held once they are comfortable. When you hold them, make sure to support their bottom, or it will hurt their back.


  • Don’t worry if your guinea pig takes a while to get used to you, some guinea pigs take longer than others
  • Always give them food to help them get comfortable with you
  • Try not to loom over them