Before you bring your Guinea pigs home

What will you need before getting a guinea pig?

  • Cage: Your guinea pig will need a place to live. when choosing a cage, make sure it is at least 8 square feet. many cages sold at pet stores or online that are marketed towards guinea pigs are far too small. if you are having trouble finding a cage of the right size, consider using c and c grids to make your own.
  • Bedding: When shopping for guinea pig bedding, you will find a variety of options available. if you choose wood shaving, make sure you don’t get cedar or non kiln dried pine, as these are toxic for guinea pigs. You can also get paper bedding or fleece bedding. If you pick paper or wood, change it out every two weeks. if you choose fleece, wash it every week.
  • Hidey huts: guinea pigs are prey animals, so a hidey hut is an essential for them to feel safe. Since guinea pigs should be kept in pairs, try to get at least two; so each animal has a place of their own to hide in if they get startled or scared.
  • Water bottle: water is an essential, and bottles are generally better than bowls because they need to be cleaned less often.
  • `Hay rack: Make sure the hay rack is big enough and it does not have holes that your guinea pigs head could get stuck in.
  • Food bowl: A heavier bowl that your guinea pig can’t tip over is best.
  • Food: you should have food ready in advance, including high quality hay, veggies, and vitamin C pellets.
  • Scale: Guinea pigs are prey animals, so they will try to hide any signs of illness but they can’t hide their weight. Checking your guinea pig’s weight often to see if there are changes can be important.