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- Space
- Guinea pigs require a minimum of 8 square feet for their cage
- For Rabbits, it is recommended that you give them a small room to free roaming rather than a cage, or a large pen.
- Long term commitments
- Guinea pigs can live up to eight years and rabbits can live up to twelve years.
- Will you be able to care for your pets for this long?
- Cost
- Often, people only look at the cost of the animal itself – along with the startup cost. What you need to keep in mind is the long term cost.
- Long term cost including food, temperature control (if kept in a separate area), and veterinary care
- Veterinary care
- Normally annual visit is around $80 for the veterinary check up which is only once a year.
- In rare circumstances, if animal gets severely ill or hurt, there may be a substantial veterinary cost associated with the treatment.
- Research
- You should never get a pet without doing your research.
- Always make sure you know exactly hot to care for a pet before getting one.
- Adopt – Don’t Buy
- Pet stores often sell pregnant guinea pigs to people without them knowing it.
- One of the main reasons guinea pigs end up in shelters is unexpected babies.
- Whether you want a guinea pig or rabbit (or any other pet for that matter) get them from a shelter.
- Shelters have lots of pets who need a second chance, as they are often rescued. Besides – shelters will provide you with lot of information about the pet.
- Diet
- Both pets need to unlimited supply of hay. They also need leafy greens and vegetables.
- Guinea pigs need vitamin C pellets since they cant produce their own.
- Be sure to research your pets diet first !
- Social considerations
- Guinea pigs needs to be kept in pairs, otherwise they will get lonely and depressed.
- It is advisable to keep both guinea pigs of same gender – both male or female together otherwise you may end up with more guinea pigs than you planned for
- Consider fostering first
- This is a great way to get to know a pet better, and find out if he/she is the right pet for you.
- Time
- You will need to spend a of of time with your pets, so make sure you are able to take a few hours each day for them.